About Me
I recently retired from the
Department of Statistics, University of Warwick,
and since 2018 have been studying for a BA in Fine Art at
Coventry University.
Current interests include multimedia, neurodiversity,
the tension between pattern and randomness,
and uses of mathematics, science and computing in art.
Professional interests include Bayesian inference,
numerical and graphical methods,
spherical and related codes,
and medical statistics.
I now mainly program in
but have in the past used the usual suspects including C, C++, Fortran, Pascal and Python.
Other interests include
Previous interests include chess, guitar and squash.
This section will eventually summarise & link to
new, updated and/or popular sub-pages.
Assuming, of course, that there are some.
For the moment, here's a little
abstract photography.
Degrees of Separation
Erdös number = 4:
P. Erdös
R. Blecksmith
P. W. Laud
A. F. M. Smith
J. E. H. Shaw.
Kasparov number = 3:
Kasparov 0-1
Chandler 0-1
Rumens 0-1
Kasparov 0-1
Anand 0-1
Emms 0-1
Note in fairness that Garry Kasparov has a Shaw number of 2:
Kasparov 1-0
Nunn 1-0
Morphy number = 4:
Morphy —
Mortimer —
Tartakower —
Gligorić —
Shusaku number = 5:
Shusaku —
Shuei —
Shusai —
Yasunaga —
Macfadyen —
Kibo number = 1
(attained June 1993).
Faux Bacon number = 4
(pretending that television programmes & home videos are allowed):
Kevin Bacon
was in JFK (1991) with
Donald Sutherland;
Donald Sutherland was in The First Great Train Robbery (1979) with
Wayne Sleep;
Wayne Sleep was interviewed on Central TV (1998) with Sarah Payman-Shaw;
Sarah Payman-Shaw was in Terry Payman's New Year Video (1994) with Ewart Shaw.
Higher Degrees of Separation
My PhD genealogy
Adrian Smith
as supervisor,
Dennis Lindley
as grandsupervisor,
George Barnard
as great-grandsupervisor,
as great9-grandsupervisor,
as great13-grandsupervisor, and
as great19-grandsupervisor:
Nicolaus Copernicus —
Georg Joachim Rheticus —
Moritz Valentin Steinmetz —
Christoph Meurer —
Philipp Müller —
Erhard Weigel —
Gottfried Leibniz —
Nicolas Malebranche —
Jacob Bernoulli —
Johann Bernoulli —
Leonhard Euler —
Joseph-Louis Lagrange —
Siméon Denis Poisson —
Michel Chasles —
Hubert Anson Newton —
Eliakim Hastings Moore —
Oswald Veblen —
Alonzo Church —
George Barnard —
Dennis Lindley —
Adrian Smith —
Ewart Shaw.
With Leibniz,
relationships get complicated.
As well as his doctorate from Universität Leipzig in 1666,
he also had
Christiaan Huygens
as advisor for a dissertation at the Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris in 1676.
is my step-great22- and
Thomas à Kempis
my step-great24-grandsupervisor:
Thomas à Kempis —
Alexander Hegius —
Desiderius Erasmus —
Jakob Milich —
Erasmus Reinhold —
Valentin Naboth —
Rudolph Snellius —
Willebrord Snellius —
Jacobus Golius —
Frans van Schooten —
Christiaan Huygens —
Leibniz — ...
Through van Schooten,
Marin Mersenne
is also a step-great16-grandsupervisor.
My own former PhD students,
with Leibniz as their great14-grandsupervisor (etc.), are:
Karla Hemming,
Ben Cowling,
Simon Bond,
Costas Kallis,
Maria Costa,
Miland Joshi and
Hasinur Rahaman Khan.
Many thanks to
Simon Bond
for researching the
mathematical genealogy,
and to
Tony O'Hagan
for correcting my
Erdös number.